Wählen Sie das richtige LPBF-3D-Druckmaterial

Finden Sie heraus, welches Metallpulver sich am besten für Ihr LPBF-Projekt eignet.

Selecting a suitable material in Laser-Pulver-Bett-Fusion (LPBF) technology is pivotal for achieving the performance and price that your project needs.

LPBF, a leading technology in additive manufacturing with materials, requires materials that suit the design and withstand the rigors of use. From durable metals to advanced alloys, each material offers unique benefits that can be leveraged in LPBF to create components with complex geometries and exceptional mechanical properties.

Let’s explore the most popular materials for LPBF 3D printing.

Aluminium AlSi10Mg

Aluminum AlSi10Mg is a prime choice due to its rapid solidification, which enhances its strength and thermal properties. This makes it an excellent choice for parts with intricate designs and thin walls.


It’s commonly employed for aerospace and automotive parts. It’s also used for lightweight housing, heat exchangers, and functional prototypes that capitalize on its balance between strength and weight.

Kupferlegierung CuNi2SiCr

CuNi2SiCr is well-suited for LPBF as it offers a refined grain structure when printed, enhancing its mechanical properties while retaining excellent thermal and electrical conductivity.

This alloy is essential for electrical components, heat sinks, and intricate tooling that requires precise thermal management and corrosion resistance.

Kupferlegierung CuCrZr

CuCrZr alloy benefits from LPBF’s high-energy density, which achieves a dense and uniform microstructure, providing superior conductivity and strength.

It is prevalent in creating conductive elements, cooling systems, and components for the mold and die industry, especially when complex features and internal channels are needed.

Kupfer CuCP

With its high purity, CuCP is ideal for LPBF, where it can be processed into parts with excellent thermal and electrical properties, which is necessary for high-performance engineering.

It’s particularly favored for manufacturing parts in the energy sector and high-conductivity applications, including motor components and inductors.

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Zum Angebot

Hastelloy X 

The adaptability of Hastelloy X to LPBF allows for the production of parts with exceptional high-temperature strength and oxidation resistance, maintaining performance in extreme conditions.

It is frequently used for manufacturing turbine parts and combustion zone components and in applications demanding high-temperature resistance, such as aerospace and chemical processing.

Inconel 625 & 718

With LPBF, Inconel alloys achieve a fine-grain structure, contributing to their excellent mechanical properties and corrosion resistance, even at elevated temperatures.

These superalloys are perfect for complex aerospace components, high-stress subsea equipment, and parts for the chemical industry where conventional manufacturing falls short.

Scalmalloy AlMgSc

Scalmalloy’s impressive tensile strength and low density translate well in LPBF, allowing the creation of lightweight parts that perform comparably to titanium alloys.

This material is popular in high-performance automotive and aerospace industries, where weight reduction is critical without compromising strength or durability.

Stainless Steels 17-4PH & 316L

Both 17-4PH and 316L stainless steels process exceptionally well with LPBF, resulting in parts with high strength and excellent corrosion resistance after proper post-processing.

Their versatility makes them suitable for various industries, from medical implants to food processing equipment and marine applications.

Titanium Ti6Al4V

Titanium Ti6Al4V’s compatibility with LPBF results in high-quality, lightweight parts that can withstand demanding applications while offering significant weight savings.

This material is widely used in the medical sector for prosthetics and implants, as well as in aerospace and motorsports for structural components.

Werkzeugstahl MS1 (1.2709)

LPBF can produce parts with MS1 steel that show excellent hardness and resistance to thermal fatigue, making them ideal for high-wear applications.

It is commonly used for creating durable injection molds, hot-work tools, and complex assembly jigs, which benefit from LPBF’s ability to print intricate details and internal features.

Einstieg in LPBF

LPBF 3D printing technology opens up a world of possibilities for innovatively utilizing advanced materials. When processed under the precise conditions LPBF offers, each material unveils its full potential.

At MakerVerse, our engineering experts can help you choose the best-fitting material for your project. Use our platform to get an instant quote with transparent lead times. Watch your project come to life with durability, precision, and reliability at its core.