Eloxieren für Aluminium erklärt

Erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Anondisierung für Ihr nächstes Projekt optimal nutzen können.

Anodized aluminum surfaces are everywhere, from a smartphone’s body to an aircraft’s fuselage.

Anodizing, a tried-and-true method of enhancing aluminum, has played a pivotal role in various engineering applications. That’s especially the case for CNC-Bearbeitung und Blechfertigung projects. This article delves into anodizing, showing you the process, the main benefits, and when to opt for this finishing method.

What is Anodizing and Why it Matters

At its core, anodizing is an electrochemical process that transforms the aluminum surface into a corrosion-resistant, anodic oxide finish. This finish is integrated with the underlying aluminum substrate, unlike surface-level treatments such as paint or plating.

Some of the main benefits include:  

Enhanced Wear Resistance: Anodized surfaces considerably outlast untreated ones, reducing the wear and tear on parts to prolong their lifespan.

Improved Aesthetics: Beyond the natural metallic sheen, anodizing allows a spectrum of finishes, from matte to bright, and a rainbow of colors.

Increased Corrosion Resistance: The oxide layer wards off rust and degradation, making it essential for components in corrosive environments like marine or industrial settings.

Electrical Insulation: Anodized parts act as electrical insulators, a feature pivotal in numerous electronic and industrial applications. 

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The Anodizing Process in 4 Steps

Step 1

Pre-treatment: Before anodizing, the aluminum part undergoes cleaning and degreasing to rid the surface of contaminants.

Step 2

Electrolytic Process: The prepared aluminum piece acts as the anode in an electrical circuit. Submersion in an acid electrolyte bath and the application of electric current release oxygen, which combines with the aluminum surface to produce aluminum oxide.

There are a few variations of the electrolytic process, including:

  • Type I (Chromic Acid Anodizing): The thinner, more opaque coatings are often preferred when tight dimensional tolerances are necessary.
  • Type II (Sulfuric Acid Anodizing): The most prevalent method. This offers a balance between cost, protection, and aesthetic finish.
  • Type III (Hard Anodizing): With thicker coatings, it’s tailored for parts needing wear resistance.

Step 3

Coloring (optional): Post anodizing, if a colored finish is desired, the piece can be immersed in a dye tank.

Step 4

Sealing: Lastly, the part undergoes a hydrothermal process to seal the pores, bolstering its corrosion resistance.

Engineering Applications of Anodized Aluminum

Anodizing aluminum is widely used across industries. Some of the most common applications include:

Luft- und Raumfahrt: Lightweight and durable, anodized components find their way into aircraft interiors, exteriors, and critical systems.

Automobilindustrie: From ornamental trims to functional engine components, anodizing ensures longevity amidst the rigors of the road.

Elektronik: Heat sinks, casings, and other components benefit from the dual aesthetic and functional advantages of anodizing.

Structural Applications: Architectural installations, bridges, and more utilize anodized aluminum for form and function.

Black Oxidation vs. Anodizing: What’s the Difference?

Anodizing and black oxidation are surface treatment processes employed to enhance metal parts’ functional and aesthetic attributes, yet they serve distinct purposes and manifest unique characteristics.

Black oxidation, often termed “Black Oxide,” is a conversion coating for ferrous materials, stainless steel, copper, and copper-based alloys. It introduces a black oxide layer on the metal’s surface, providing mild corrosion resistance and minimizing light reflection. The primary appeal of black oxidation is its aesthetic.

A part finished with black oxidation

This process doesn’t significantly enhance the metal’s inherent protective properties as anodizing does. Still, it’s valued for its ability to retain the original dimensions of parts, given that the oxide layer added is incredibly thin.

While both processes give metals enhanced aesthetics and some protection, anodizing stands out for its robustness and customizable color options. In contrast, black oxidation is prized for its minimalist elegance and dimension retention.

Getting Started with Anodization

There are some key considerations to note before choosing anodization.

First, there’s the material selection. Ensure the aluminum alloy is compatible with the desired finish and application before anodizing. Our expert team will happily consult you to find suitable material.

Next is the process itself. Coating quality can hinge on factors like bath composition, temperature, and current density. It’s essential to choose a partner who fine-tunes these for optimal results. Fortunately, our supply chain consists of fully-vetted partners experienced with the process.

Finally, there’s the post-anodizing care. At the same time, harsh chemicals or abrasive tools can damage durable, anodized surfaces. Regular cleaning with mild, soapy water can keep the finish looking new.

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