Nylon PA 11 vs Nylon PA 12 in 3D Printing

Comparing the two materials for high-performance 3D printing projects.

Two of the most popular types of nylon in 3D printing are Nylon PA 11 and Nylon PA 12, each offering distinct properties that suit different applications.

This article breaks down the differences between Nylon PA 11 and PA 12, focusing on their mechanical properties, to help engineers and designers choose the suitable material for their next Multi-Jet Fusion or Selective Laser Sintering project.

What is Nylon PA 11?

Nylon PA 11 is a bio-based polyamide, making it more environmentally sustainable than petroleum-based alternatives. It is known for its high impact resistance, flexibility, and excellent fatigue resistance.

Regarding 3D printing, particularly with SLS and MJF, Nylon PA 11 is valued for producing lightweight yet durable parts with fine details. Its high degree of flexibility and resistance to stress cracking makes it suitable for producing functional prototypes and end-use parts that must withstand wear and tear.

Some of the typical applications include:

  • Medical prosthetics: Its flexibility and biocompatibility make it ideal for custom prosthetic limbs and braces.
  • Automotive interiors: PA 11’s impact resistance makes it suitable for dashboards, interior panels, and trim parts.
  • Drone components: PA 11 is used in lightweight, impact-resistant parts such as drone bodies and frames.

Nylon PA 11 Data Sheet (MJF)

Heat Deflection at 0.45 MPa°C185ASTM D648
Heat Deflection at 1.82 MPa°C47ASTM D648
Tensile StrengthMPa47-50ASTM D638
Tensile ModulusMPa1600-1800ASTM D638
Elongation at Break%11-40ASTM D638
Achievable Part Accuracymm+/- 0.3 mm for parts up to 100 mm, +/- 0.3% beyond 100 mm


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What is Nylon PA 12?

Nylon PA 12 is a synthetic, petroleum-based polyamide, often chosen for its strength, rigidity, and moisture resistance.

In 3D printing, Nylon PA 12 offers excellent dimensional stability and produces parts with smooth surfaces and high mechanical performance. The material’s rigidity makes it ideal for parts that need to maintain their shape under pressure, while its low moisture absorption ensures durability in environments exposed to water or humidity.

Nylon PA 12 is often used for:

  • Industrial Jigs and fixtures: Its strength and durability make it a go-to material for production tooling.
  • Consumer electronics: PA 12 is used for components such as casings and brackets that need precision and durability.
  • Automotive engine components: Its high temperature and moisture resistance makes it suitable for under-the-hood parts.

Nylon PA 12 Data Sheet (MJF)

Heat Deflection at 0.45 MPa°C175ASTM D648
Heat Deflection at 1.82 MPa°C95ASTM D648
Tensile StrengthMPa48ASTM D638
Elongation at Break%6ASTM D638
Densityg/cm³1.01ISO 1183
Achievable Part Accuracymm+/- 0.3 mm for parts up to 100 mm, +/- 0.3% beyond 100 mm

Comparison of Nylon PA 11 vs PA 12

Strength and Durability 

Nylon PA 11 tends to be more flexible and has a better elongation at break, making it ideal for parts that need to bend or absorb impact. On the other hand, Nylon PA 12 offers higher rigidity and stiffness, providing better tensile strength.

Temperature Resistance

Nylon PA 11 and PA 12 are known for their thermal stability, though PA 12 offers slightly better heat resistance. PA 11, however, is more resilient in low-temperature environments, which makes it suitable for applications exposed to cold conditions. Both materials can be used in industries where thermal exposure is a concern, but the choice will depend on the specific thermal conditions the part will face.

Wear Resistance

Both materials perform well in terms of abrasion and wear resistance, but PA 11 has an edge due to its increased flexibility, which allows it to endure repeated bending and friction. PA 12, however, excels in applications requiring more static strength, such as housings and enclosures that do not experience much movement.


PA 11 is generally more expensive than PA 12 due to its bio-based nature and more complex manufacturing process. The cost difference is particularly relevant when considering large-scale production, where the price per part can significantly impact overall project costs.

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