Best Practices: Designing for Laser Cutting

Save time and money by following these guidelines when designing laser-cut parts.

Computer Numerical Control laser cutting is a versatile tool capable of creating intricate designs and features in various materials.

As with any process, understanding the nuances of CNC laser cutting can significantly impact the design and final result. This article presents valuable design tips for laser-cut parts, aiming to enhance your knowledge and improve the outcome of your laser cutting projects.

Overview of CNC Laser Cutting

CNC laser cutting is a subtractive manufacturing technology that utilizes a high-power laser beam to cut flat-sheet materials.

Laser cutting in action

Using specialized laser cutting design software is crucial for creating precise and efficient designs. The process begins by designing a digital program in a CAD/CAM system that directs the laser cutter. This design file creates vector files that outline the desired shapes and dimensions of the parts.

The laser cutter, guided by the CNC system, then uses a concentrated beam of light to melt, burn, or vaporize the material along the programmed path. Laser cutters are essential for accurately processing these vector files into the final product.

The result is a clean, smooth, and accurate cut that can accommodate complex shapes and small holes, all with minimal waste.

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Laser Cutting Design Tips

1. Use the thinnest sheet possible. On average, material cost represents 37% of the cost of sheet laser cut parts. This percentage is larger for simple geometries. Calculating the minimum thickness that can withhold the load saves you money.

2. Ensure you select the appropriate material thickness for your project, as it affects both the engraving quality and the overall design integrity. Materials can range from 1 to 10 mm, and using materials that are too thin or too thick can compromise the design.

3. The flatness of the sheets partly depends on the raw material. Your part will require a rework if the flatness is more than 0.1mm (per meter).

4. Maintain a minimum distance between cutting lines to prevent material melting or potential fire hazards. This distance directly impacts the design’s effectiveness and the structural integrity of the final product.

Avoid sharp internal corners5. Expect distortions at bent parts. The distortion will be more visible in thick sheets. 

6. Keep a distance between the hole and the bending edge. The minimum distance from the edge of a hole to the adjacent edge of the blank should be at least stock thickness, but preferably it should be 1/2 to 2 times that.Keep a distance between the hole and the bending edge.

7. Avoid some distortion by designing a window. Add a nonfunctional window at the bent corner if the distance from the hole to the edge is lower than recommended.Avoid some distortion by designing a window.

8. Expect misalignment before bending. Several alternatives can be considered:

  • Drill the holes after forming. This is more expensive but provides excellent alignment.
  • Use broad tolerances on the holes, or make one a slot, i.e., allow for misalignment if the function of the part permits.
  • Include a pilot hole in the bottom of the U bend. This hole is located over a pin in the pad of the forming die that will consistently position the blank.

The thickness of the control stock is another requirement if your part needs close alignment. Although the material of close thickness tolerance commands a premium price, the extra cost may be more than offset by the savings realized by not having to perform the second operation.Expect misalignment before bending

9. Check the adequate number of threads for even minimum tightening ability. A rule of thumb for the minor thread diameter (tap-drill size) is that it not exceed twice the stock thickness for steel and brass and 1.5 times the stock thickness for aluminum, copper, and zinc.

Check the adequate number of threads for even minimum tightening ability.

10.Brush on both sides if parts are not bent. The bending tool marks affect your surface quality, and the surface can be brushed with lower quality and higher cost by hand.

11. Avoid tool marks. Define foiled sheets at your visual sides; the foil protects your part during machining and transport.

12. Define visual sides and no visual defects at the important surfaces. A perfect surface is not expected when not defined. Also it should be defined if no chips are allowed inside your laser cutted tubes.

13. Provide DXF files to save setup time. DXF files with your cut geometry to save time and prevent mistakes.

14. Keep the interior bend radii at least as large as the material thickness. To avoid distortion around the bend, parts should be designed with the interior bend radius to be the same size or greater than the material thickness.

15. Ensure the bend height is at least double the material thickness plus the bend radius. Small bend heights are more difficult to form and position in the press brake, which can result in deformation.Ensure the bend height is at least double the material thickness plus the bend radius.

16. Use standard sheet thickness. For flat laser cutted parts, use the range between 1-10 mm. If the parts are bended, use 1-6 mm. Check in online shops if your raw material exists.

17. Avoid tiny cutting geometries. The minimum distance inside the geometry should be greater than the sheet thickness to minimize distortion caused by the beam.

18. Leave some space between the cutting geometry. Space the cutting geometry at least two times the sheet thickness to avoid distortion.

19. Avoid the distortions at the edge. If holes are placed too close to the edge, the possibility of the hole tearing or deforming is higher, especially if the part later undergoes forming.Avoid the distortions at the edge.

20. Use the same radii with consistent bend orientations to reduce costs. Inconsistent bend orientations and varying bend radii mean the part will be need to be reoriented more often, which requires more time from the machinistoperator.

21. If using a bending tool, be sure to leave enough room so it can access the corners. The tool needs to come 90° from the bending corner.

If using a bending tool, be sure to leave enough room so it can access the corners.

Get Started with CNC Laser Cutting

CNC laser cutting is a powerful and versatile manufacturing method that, when utilized effectively, can yield high-precision components and minimize production costs. It is, however, essential to understand the process intricacies, from the impact of material thickness on cost to the importance of the bend radius on part distortion. Various finishing techniques can be applied to the metal surface to enhance properties like corrosion resistance and aesthetic appeal.

If you’re looking for design assistance – or need a high-quality CNC machining service, you can use the MakerVerse platform. Choose from a full range of materials and finishes for all your applications.